Tag: east bay

  • New Map: Historic Alameda Ecology

    A Never-Before-Seen Map of Alameda’s Indigenous History

    Can you imagine elk running down Park Street?

    Cotton Tail Rabbits hopping among giant Live Oak trees on Grand?

    Gathering blackberries at Chochenyo Park?
    Oysters on Regent?
    Making tule boats at Alameda Point?

    This map combines historic elements to tell the story of Alameda before.

    Developed for elementary and middle-school students to learn about local indigenous history: this map shows Alameda–before it became an island–with selected plants and animals that lived and thrived here.

    These plants and animals include: Wildcats, Ducks, Blackberries, Deer, Flamingoes, and more!

    This map includes the historic wetlands of the Bay Area; and the Oyster Reef zones in Alameda, two never-before-seen layers of local history (until now.)

    This map is a tool that can help people imagine the ecosystems organizations like the Wild Oyster Project, and Save The Bay are working towards saving and restoring.

    Imagination is one of the strongest tools in the decolonization toolbox.

    One of the ways the Alameda Native History Project “Decolonizes History” is by developing, producing, and distributing accurate, relevant, and interesting educational materials for Classrooms, Community Centers, and Institutions.

    The Alameda Native History Project offers updated, often novel, and never-before-seen images, maps, and infographs about the Indigenous History of this place we call the “San Francisco Bay Area”.

    Our continued impact will be measured by the number of classrooms we connect with the maps and information educators want and need to fill the gaps in existing curriculum regarding local indigenous history.

    This will result in students who can finally receive the answer to the basic questions about Native American History. Questions, which–until now–have simply been glossed over or ignored in mainstream, sanitized, Social Science, History, and Arts & Humanities curriculums.

    The proceeds of this fundraiser will go towards putting one of these maps in every core/history class and school library in Alameda.

    If you make a minimum donation of $25, and include your mailing address in the comment on this donation form (your comment is private), you will receive a Historic Alameda Ecology Map.

    5% of the cost of printing will go back to local Alameda schools.*

    You can have a direct impact on Decolonizing History, too!

    By providing tangible support for our mission, you can be the reason why people know this is Ohlone Land; why that makes it our responsibility to be good stewards to the land; and how important it is for us to respect Indigenous knowledge and lived experiences, and advocate for the return of sacred places, tribal objects, and ancestral remains.

    Alameda Native History Project is fiscally sponsored by The Hack Foundation (d.b.a. Hack Club), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (EIN: 81-2908499).

    *5% of total cost goes back to school via printer’s giveback program on a per transaction basis. We choose the Alameda school recipient.

  • You Don’t Know Jack About Native America

    “You Don’t Know Jack About Native America / Stop giving money to organizations and ’causes’ you know nothing about. / Research your Land Acknowledgment before you profess it.” Title art for @AlamedaNativeHistoryProject on Instagram.com.

    Stop giving money to organizations and “causes” you know nothing about.

    Non-profit organizations cannot be tribal governments. (The exercise of Tribal Sovereignty is not a charitable purpose.)

    Organizations, like Sogorea Te “Land Trust” claim to be devoted to returning native land to native hands….

    But which tribes are these organizations actually associated with?

    Real Tribal Governments:
    1. Will be able to break down their history with facts, and evidence;
    2. Are recognized in Treaty–even if the government won’t recognize their own treaties. (And they have a documented reason for why they are not mentioned in Treaties. [e.g. Tribal Warfare, Government Favoritism of One Tribe Over Another, etc.])
    3. Hold elections.

    The last point is super important. You can’t call yourself a Tribal Chairperson if there was never a vote. And, especially, if your Tribal Government is really just a corporation.

    If the “Tribal Government” you’re working with has never petitioned for Federal Recognition from the Department of the Interior; that’s a red flag.

    If the California Tribal Government you’re working with claims to be a California “State-Recognized Tribe“; that’s blatantly false.

    California does not have a Tribal Recognition Process.

    The California Native American Heritage Commission does not have the authority to recognize tribes. Only the Bureau of Indian Affairs can do that. [Absent certification as a Tribe by the BIA, no action to protect tribal lands may be maintained, United States v. 43.47 Acres of Land, 855 F. Supp. 549, 551 (D. Conn. 1994)]

    Research your Land Acknowledgment before you profess it.