This is the Current Project Arc, which began in March 2024, and will extend to March 2025. This arc consists of three parts:

  1. Material Harvest for Granary Project
    Ongoing June, July & August 2024
    Consists of Indigenous Land Lab meet-ups to gather the materials needed to construct Acorn Granaries to hold acorns from First Annual Acorn Harvest. Learn more about harvesting materials and Indigenous Land Lab Meet-Ups here.
  2. Acorn Granary Project (“Challenge”)
    Sundays in July 2024
    Might extend into August. We will meet to work together on Acorn Granary construction. This is a community project and everyone is welcome.
  3. First Annual Acorn Harvest
    September/October 2024
    We are monitoring thousands of Oak Trees throughout Alameda and the Greater East Bay for peak ripeness. Once the acorns start falling, we will have to race squirrels, crows, deer, and other animals to the best acorns for storage over winter in our Acorn Granaries.
  4. ACORNS! : Contemporary Indigenous Cuisine Classes/Demos
    March-May 2025
    Learn how to process and cook with Acorns. Featuring a diverse menu taught over a series of workshops. Learn through hands-on experience, and take home some acorn flour and recipe book to share with your friends!

Acorn Granary Project (July 2024)

Dates: July 7, 14, 21, 28
Sign-Up URL:

We’ll gather on Sundays in July to create Acorn Granaries to store the acorns from the Acorn Harvest. This event has been called a “competition”, but survival is a team effort.

This will be a collaborative learning experience and people from diverse backgrounds are invited to take part. Especially artists who work with found objects, fibers, basket weaving, basketry, cordage, bushcraft, and a myriad of other skills and mediums.

Acorn Harvest (Sep/Oct 2024)

Dates: September/October 2024 (To Be Announced)
Sign-Up URL:

We have located several property owners with oak trees in Alameda who are willing to share their Acorns. We have a list of City Trees on City (Public) Property which we do not need permits to gather from, as long as we don’t block traffic. We have special permission from some property owners outside of the City of Alameda who have invited us to gather acorns from their mature and old-growth Oaks.

ACORNS! Culinary Lab (March 2025)

Dates: March through May 2025
Sign-Up URL: To Be Announced

Witness an acorn processing demo. Sample traditional acorn mush. Participate in a hands on baking class using acorn flour.

Receive some acorn flour and recipes to try at home!

Tickets will be available beginning September 2024.