For the first time, ever, an entirely independent research project, led by a Native American descendant, has produced a tangible representation of pre-contact Native American Spirituality and Engineering.
About the Alameda Native History Project:
The Alameda Native History Project is an independent, Native-led research project focusing on discovering unknown or misunderstood Native History, and educating the public through applied art and science. One of the stated missions of ANHP is the production of detailed, actionable information, that can be used to advocate for, and protect the San Francisco Bay Area Shellmounds.
- What is a Shellmound?
- Basic Traits of a Shellmound
- Augmented Reality
- Available Shellmound Models
- Let Us Know How You Use The Shellmound Model!

What is a shellmound?
A lot of people wanted to know, “What is a shellmound? What does a shellmound look like? How big were the shell mounds?”
While one could spend time curating schematics, maps, and historical images…. there are truths which reveal themselves.
The best way talk about shellmounds is to show them.

Basic traits of a shellmound….
- Shellmounds range anywhere from about 3 to 70 feet tall.
- Shellmounds have a diameter of about 10 to 300 feet.
- Shellmounds have a distinctive domed shape,
usually with a pavillion, and a ramp or walk-way down one side. - Each shellmound accounts for hundreds to thousands of Native Americans.
Around 2,000 people were buried in the Emeryville Shellmound. - Shellmounds are not trash heaps.
- Shellmounds are burial grounds.
- Shellmounds are sacred burial structures, built by the first occupants of the San Francisco Bay Area.
- Over 425 shellmounds existed in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- Only a few dozen shellmounds still remain, intact, and undisturbed.
Augmented Reality
Alameda Native History Project’s Shellmound Model
Available Shellmound Models
There are two Shellmound Models available. They are version 2.5, and 2.6, respectfully.
Version 2.6 is in .REAL format, which is used with Adobe Aero, a mobile-based Augmented Reality platform.
Version 2.5 is in USDZ format. Universal Scene Description is used by Pixar (among other companies); and is now a native 3D Object Format for both iOS and Android 3D Object Viewer.
These shellmound models were created for educational, and research purposes. Commercial use of this model is strictly prohibited.
When featuring this model, please include the following citation:
“Shellmound Model created by Gabriel Duncan.”
Shellmound Model v.2.5 | (download) |
Android / iOS (.usdz) | |
Shellmound Model v.2.6 | (download) |
Adobe Aero (.real) ![]() | (in-app) |
Let us know how you use the Shellmound Model!
Tag your AR experience on Instagram using @AlamedaNativeHistoryProject!
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