Announcing our month-long series of classes and workshops.

Join us as we come together to build the acorn granaries that will hold all of the acorns we gather together during the City-Wide Acorn Harvest in September & October.

Don’t be intimidated by the “challenge” aspect.

Survival is actually a collaborative process that takes the efforts of a group. Individual success relies upon the success of the team.

Learn about making cordage, basket weaving, traditional pest control, methods for waterproofing, and more.

These events will take place on Sunday’s, during the month of July.

This event is free; but if you want to support our efforts, and get an early bird sign up, check out our events page.

You can also register your team on the Acorn Granary Challenge Sign-Up Google Form we started at

You can help!

Even if you’re not interested in attending the weekend workshops, you can still participate in this project.

  • Lend space in your backyard to an Acorn Granary installation. They’re about the size of a filing cabinet, and would only need space over winter. [♥Email us!]
  • Help gather or donate materials from our wish list to use for construction during June. Things like sturdy hardwood branches, rosemary, and redbud stems (to name a few.) [🌻Email us!]
  • 🌟Donate directly to the Alameda Native History Project, to help sustain our collaborators while gathering materials for construction; to provide healthy, nutritious food for the crew; and to enhance our ability to deliver the best cultural arts education and exchange programming we can!
  • Share your knowledge and expertise as a basket weaver, cordage maker, root harvester! Whether or not you want to show us your skills during a demo, or just hang back and exchange knowledge during the gathering and process phase–it’s up to you. [🙏🏽Email us!]

We look forward to seeing all of you in July!

Keep an eye on your calendar. The Acorn Granary Challenge is not that far away.