YES!! I finally finished working on most of this site. I think there might be a couple of buttons that don’t point to anything. (Please let me know when you find them.) But the main, navigational things, all connect. Victory!
And this is running on a content-delivery network, so it should be reasonably fast. Some servers are probably still caching.
This website is optimized for Desktop and Mobile views. I really tried to make sure this looks good on a cell phone. And that it’s easy to navigate.
Stuff I still have to do:
East Bay Parks
- Write Mission Peak article;
- Start creating Park Galleries, and,
- Park write-ups;
- Create a production and release schedule for these articles — probably weekly.
- Flesh out both sections, in general;
- Add more Urban Photography.
- Add Handmade Art section;
- Update links from Etsy to Handmade Art section.
- Haunted Alameda – Add decent Introduction.
- Zombie: The Incident at Bloody Rock – Make some teaser stuff.
- Generally create a production and release schedule for both series.