Alternatives to Shuumi (2023)

Wondering which Native American organizations you should give to on Giving Tuesday?

Hopefully, when you read this, you already know that Shuumi Land Tax doesn’t really go to all Ohlone people. (But we don’t want to discourage your well-meaning intent and your need to help Indigenous people in anyway you can.)

If you really want to help the Native American People in the San Francisco Bay Area, I’ve compiled a list of organizations where your generous donation and goodwill have a measurable impact.

The Muwekma Ohlone Tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area

This is the real Ohlone tribe you probably thought you were donating money to when you considered paying Shuumi “Land Tax”.

With over 10,000 years of continuous habitation of this place now known as the San Francisco Bay Area, your donation directly to this tribe of over 600 enrolled members will be felt immediately; and put to use as Muwekma reawaken their Chochenyo language, remember dances, and revitalize their culture.

The Muwekma Ohlone Tribe is a bonafide native American Tribe, which has been recognized over and over again by The Courts, but still struggles for recognition with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Muwekma is set to begin their Trail of Truth in their epic battle for justice; in the form of a Tribal Homeland, Education, Housing, Medical Services, and–last but not least: Sovereignty.

If you want to help Ohlone people in the San Francisco Bay Area (and beyond):

Go to to educate yourself and your friends about the Indigenous People of the San Francisco Bay Area.

[See also: “Who/What/Where is Lisjan?“, “Who are the Lisjan Ohlone? What does Chochenyo mean?”, “Corrina Gould Convicted of Fraud“]

Intertribal Friendship House Oakland

Established in 1955 as one of the first urban American Indian community centers in the nation.

It was founded by the American Friends Service Committee to serve the needs of American Indian people relocated from reservations to the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Bay Area American Indian community is multi-tribal, made of Native people and their descendants—those who originate here and those who have come to the Bay region from all over the United States and from other parts of this hemisphere.

IFH Oakland’s local programming is important and impactful.

Friendship House SF

Friendship House SF provides a girth of wellness services for Native American People in the SF urban rez.

One of the most important services the Friendship House SF provides is treatment and recovery services for Native Americans. Lots of tribes will send their members to the Friendship House SF for their treatment and recovery services.

The Friendship House SF also provides meeting space for other organizations to hold their events and retreats. Very thankful to the Friendship House SF for giving me and organizations I’ve been a part space for so many years.

Native American Health Center

Provides primary care, mental health, and dental services primarily. Also organizes and hold the Indigenous Red Market, contributes to Powwows, and other Native American Events and Programs throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

Contributing to this organization will also support a wider range of programs and services in the Bay Area.

NAHC is a pretty solid choice, all around.

American Indian Cultural Center

A member of Intersection for the Arts.

Since 1968, the purpose of the American Indian Center has been to create a community space based on Native American values, culture, programming, traditional foods, and community support.

Contributing to this organization will help sustain AICC’s mission to improve and promote the well-being of the American Indian community and to increase the visibility of American Indian cultures in an urban setting in order to cultivate awareness, understanding and respect.

American Indian Child Resource Center

The American Indian Child Resource Center is a non-profit social services and educational community-based organization serving American Indian community members from across the greater Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area and surrounding counties.

The American Indian Child Resource Center is a COA Accredited Organization.

First Nations Development Institute

Economic Development Corporation which invests in and creates innovative institutions and models that strengthen asset control (land stewardship is one example) and support economic development (through grants and programs) for American Indian people and their communities.

First Nations Development Institute is another solid choice because you know your money will be well invested, and you can read the reports on how it was used.

Which Native American Organizations Should You Donate To?

Hopefully, this helps you decide where to invest for Giving Tuesday in the year 2023!

You can always donate to the Alameda Native History Project, or any of these other organizations, any time of the year! Don’t wait until Thanksgiving.